By: Ben Blandford

Carey Anthony, a Howard High junior soon to be senior has attended Howard High for his entire high school career. Born in Columbia MD, Carey grew up in Baltimore County and attended much of his elementary school years there. He then moved to Howard County in his final years of elementary and attended sixth grade at Bonnie Branch Middle School where he found many new friends. In seventh grade Carey was moved to Elkridge Landing Middle School and attended this school in eighth grade as well. When asked about all the switching of schools Carey stated that he wasn’t all to nervous, Carey is a confident person and does not have a hard time making friends. He is not a follower and is very genuine in his actions and statements, he is also a very energetic and funny individual with a contagious laugh. He began ninth grade and got involved in quite a few extracurriculars offered at Howard such as Marching Band, Track and Field, and he joined Alpha Achievers. In Marching Band Carey plays the french horn and is quite the talented musician, in his own free time he also practices piano. In Track and Field Carey is a sprinter and runs such races as the 200 meter, 400 meter, and the 4x400 meter relay. Carey is a varsity runner and has competed at counties. When asked about a pivotal or crucial part of his life Carey stated then when he started lifting weights was a crucial moment because of how it changed his lifestyle and made him feel better about himself. When he began lifting weights many aspects of his life changed he stated, his diet became more healthy and he had better time management skills.

Ben's Connection
Carey and I connected not only through both attending Howard High School but also through both being track and field athletes. We have a similar work ethic and found that we have a very similar sense of humor. His story intrigued me by how he moved around quite a lot at a young age but still found the strength and ability to make friends and be his own person.