It is often hard to see past what we think we know about a person. Because we are all human, we form opinions based on what we think we know. Each person has a story that many of us do not know, but these stories are often central to their lives and the values the person holds. Tarun Gunaseelan is a Junior at Howard High School and his story extends past what most people think they know about him. Tarun moved to the United States at a young age. after being born in Bangalore, India. This means that he, like many immigrants, is not a citizen. This creates a lot of walls blocking his way in life. For example, he is not able to get internships in his fields of interest such as cyber security due to his boundary. This closes the way for resume builders that often assist other children with getting into college and easing their way into the job market. Another effect of being an immigrant is becoming what some would consider a foreigner. Although Tarun has lived in the United States for the majority of his life, he is still treated like a foreigner. For example, he is asked questions like “are you legal?” or “where are you from?” due to other assuming that he does not belong. He has overcome these challenges in many ways such as playing in an alternative rock band and getting American friends in order to fit into a country that does not always accept him. With these methods of overcoming stereotypes, Tarun has been able to build bridges with others in the Howard High community and allows others to see his full story. As a community, we can build to connect with each other, so we can learn more amazing things about amazing people such as Tarun.
Tarun Gunaseelan

This is quite similar to my experience when I moved to Uganda. I was often called a mzungu (foreigner) due to my outward appearance. Even after I had lived in Uganda for five years, I was subject to natives treating me like I did not belong. However, I was able to prove my place to the people in the country with mannerisms I acquired when I was there as well as my skill to determine the price that things should be sold to me even as a ten year old.