The person I choose to write about is well-liked throughout the Howard community, he is a simultaneously quiet but loud person, his GAP is one to be desired, and most importantly, he is a good person. His morale might as well be made of vibranium because they cannot be broken. He is as humble as he is tall. His story is unique and one that hasn't been told. Due to sensitive topics, he would like to remain anonymous so I'll refer to him as Chuck. He was born in Maryland, a descendant of 2 Nigerian parents. When Chuck and his siblings were young his parents got a divorce and their father left and retreated back to Nigeria like a coward leaving Chuck's mother to be the sole provider for all 4 of them. Due to his mother having to work a lot to support all of them. Due to that his family grew up poor and his mother not being there, due to her having to work, he wastes able to or do a lot of things most kids enjoy. (When I asked him more about his childhood his demeanor clearly changed, his back straightened and he started talking with a more stern voice) It wastes until Chuck was 9 years old did he learn how to ride a bike. As he got older his problems did not stop. He told me about how he was kicked out of Howard during his sophomore year due to where he lived. His mom had moved there home specifically so that he could go to Howard and move out of there house and rented an apartment. He even joined JROTC even though he did not like it in an attempt to give him another layer of protection. Despite all that it took Chuck and his mother going to court for several weeks (While he was missing school the whole time) until he was able to come back to Howard. Chuck beat the case and the school was ordered to not just let him back but to supply him with transportation
Honestly knowing Chuck and his story makes me want to do better, that despite all he had to do and all he went through he still came out on top. That not only that but he came out as a great person.
Anonymous "Chuck", By Dominic Neal

"I have connected in the way that it was a hard time leaving the house as youngins. That we were both “hardheaded”, as our parents like to say."